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Jones's case is not unique. For more than 40 years, the courts have been filled with lawsuits filed by black workers who claim discrimination against their natural hair in the workplace, with mixed results. These judicial decisions, interwoven with changing social and cultural practices, create a controversial and uncertain legal situation in which courts and other governmental entities have been featured in the debate.

How did we get to this point?
In the United States, anti-black-haired sentiment has existed for centuries. In the 18th century, enslaved women working in the fields usually wrapped their hair in rags because of the rigours of their work. However, enslaved Africans working in "big houses" sometimes imitate the hairstyles of their slaves, either wearing the wigs popular in that era or their curls. In cities like New Orleans, however, free Creole women wear ingress and coils of color in elaborate hairstyles to show the kingship of the city's legal Tignon laws requiring these women to wear Tignon (scarves or handkerchiefs) in their hair sits indicating that they are members of the slave class, whether they are free or enslaved.

At the end of the 19th century, a straight-haired comb was invented to "tame" black hair. Ms. C.J. Walker, a black woman, made combs popular, "by the mid-1920s, straight hair had become the first choice for middle-class status. As a result, Walker became the first African-American female millionaire. While some historians have praised Walker's business acumen, others have accused her of continuing the idea that straight hair will lead to social and economic progress. For better or worse, she offers black women a way to increase social acceptance. In those days, the chanter's songs mocked the texture of African-American hair, "likening it to wool, often described as diapers."

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The first wave of natural hair movement sprined in the turbulent 1960s. The "Black Is Beauty" campaign assures black men and women that their skin, facial features and natural hair are enviable. Activist Marcus Garvey, who encourages black women to accept their natural curls, argues that imitating european-centric white aesthetic standards devalues the beauty of black women: "Don't remove the curls from your hair!

Jonathan Norton, a longtime Dallas resident whose plays include My Horror List (premiered at the South Dallas Cultural Center; 2020 at the Jubilee Theatre) and Homeschooling (at the African American Theatre) The premiere of "Mississippi Goddamn" (at the South Dallas Cultural Center; won the Elizabeth Osbourne New Drama Award) , as well as the upcoming A Love offer.

The work, called Penny Candy, was commissioned by the Dallas Theater Center and, like homeschooling, is funded by the TACA New Works Fund. It was developed by playPenn and the Dallas Theater Center. The show opens on June 7 and opens on Wednesday, June 12 at studio theatre on the sixth floor of the Wyly Theatre, until July 14.

Set in Pleasant Grove in the 1980s, this autobiographical drama takes place in an apartment building and tells the story of a family-run candy. Directed by Derek Saunders, the film stars Diane and Hal Brayley as Jon Jon, along side of Diane and Hal Brayley, Andy Blair and Liz Mikkel, as well as Jamal Sterling, Claudia Logan, Leon Addison Brown and Esso Price.

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Note: During this conversation, Regina sometimes uses the voice of a third-person narrator and sometimes asks Jonathan directly. These questions are all bold. The "stage indication" is italicized. All of Jonathan's conversations are directly quoted.

It all started years ago, Edwards told us. "When I was a kid, I always 'dressed up', whether it was wearing a mask or sticking her hair to my face to make a fake beard. I have some cheap wigs to wear, but I'm always disappointed because I've never made them look like real hair. "

When he moved to Montreal, inspired by a series of nearby wig shops, that changed. Edwards was surprised by the lace-side wigs in the store and began researching how wigs were made on YouTube until he perfected his craft. Edwards doesn't even have a wig in his background!" Until recently, I lived as a painter. But the changing economy and other factors have made my career more and more difficult, so I'm in the process of working full-time on wigmaking. Time permits, I will continue to draw. "

I'm thinking that many film studios and celebrities will want to speed up Edwards' phone number.

It's not just about having a glamorous new hairstyle. Edwards told us that he was glad to see the wig sione again. He never understood the shame.

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